
National Training Event – Canberra

Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia created a Mexican marketplace experience for students attending the National Training Event (NTE) in Canberra in December 2019. More than 2000 university students from all across the country who are part of the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES) and Pacific region (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students) experienced a taste of what is involved in Bible translation through interactive games, puzzles, the opportunity to taste local ‘delicacies’ (bugs!) hearing from a family heading to Mexico to help a translation project, and having conversations with Wycliffe representatives.

Jemima was one of the twelve Wycliffe representatives. She shares what it was like to connect with university students about the role they can play in the Bible translation movement:

I really loved the opportunity to go to the National Training Event, and found I had the best conversations with people about Wycliffe just by having it on my name tag instead of the university I was linked with. One of the opening questions when getting to know someone at NTE was ‘What uni are you from?’ Explaining what Wycliffe is, or if people knew about it, flowed easily with the rest of the conversation about what they were studying. I was amazed at how many students I met who were studying languages, linguistics, or teaching—even teaching English as a second language! People who didn’t know that Bible translation was an option, but who already had a passion for languages, translation and heart for people to hear the good news about Christ! It was great to be able to point them towards the Wycliffe stand for conversations with the members there who had been on the field themselves, or who were better equipped to explain the opportunities to serve the Lord through Wycliffe, should God lead them down that path!

Recruiting 2019-20

  • 13 new members
  • 17 people in application process

Connecting with Colleges, Uni & Schools (some on regular basis)

  • 10 Theological Colleges
  • 3 University Christian groups
  • 5 Christian Schools

Connecting at Conferences:

Wycliffe represented at 17 events over the period


Full Report (PDF)

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...