Investing in People: The Impact of Training

This is an update on the T* project. For those who supported this project, thank you!

Education and training opportunities abound in Australia, so we may find it hard to imagine the challenges faced by minority language communities around the world. These include low literacy levels, constant health issues due to inadequate medical care and education taught in a language other than your own.

4-watering We are so grateful for our many supporters who have helped resource our friends with training opportunities. Here are some responses from young people of the T* team who participated in the recent July training workshops in literacy, community health and Bible translation in South Asia.

Joy: ‘[I learnt] Computer, English, Bible culture and our own T culture. But the most important thing I learnt was how to develop my own spiritual life.’

Jon: ‘I never learnt anything about the culture of the Bible before I came here. I had only heard preaching. Now I realise how important Bible translation is into my T language.’

Kesh: ‘I never understood before what the Bible was about. During these weeks I’ve understood the Bible for the first time. I also learnt the importance of our own T nation.’

Bon: ‘Before I came here I never read the Bible. Here I learnt how important it is and now I’m reading the Bible. Before I was very nervous in praying; now I can freely pray. In my church it’s always outside people who lead worship; but here I learnt how to lead worship myself.’

Please continue to pray for the T team:
› Pray for these young people as they work on their assignments for upcoming workshops.
› It is a huge commitment to be a part of the team, both in time and resources. The training takes place over a few weeks three times a year, which makes obtaining a regular job difficult.

*name omitted for security reasons

This story is from Wycliffe Today – November 2016 Edition (PDF)

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...