
Editorial from the CEO


The invention of the Gutenberg press around 1440 has been credited with heralding the beginning of mass communication and in particular the wide distribution of the Bible. The first book to be published was the Latin Gutenberg Bible. Translation and mass production of the Bible in German by Martin Luther and in English by William Tyndale in the 1520s-30s is said to have threatened the powers of both the political and religious leaders of the time, as well as impacted societal structure and culture.

In our current digital age it could be argued that we are seeing change that is as significant as the Gutenberg press.

It is in this light that this edition of Wycliffe Today looks at the impact of technological change on the process of Bible translation, the publication of Scripture, and its distribution. Sometimes the changes technology brings are incremental and other times new technology totally transforms the landscape. In the translation of the Bible into minority languages we are moving towards a new landscape.

This editorial is from Wycliffe Today – October 2017 Edition (PDF)

About the Author: Barry Borneman, Wycliffe Australia CEO. Find out more


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Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...