Wycliffe Australia's Current Projects

South Asia 2 Translation and training

Project 8814

Next Step is working with a student group in South Asia in a program that involves training young people from remote and isolated Christian communities for translation and future leadership roles. Christians are a minority in this country and suffer from a lack of resources and many forms of discrimination. Our current support is focussed on providing and paying the costs of personnel who act as trainers and translation checkers for these training programs.

Partner with us

Our partnership target for 2018 is $33,000

If we receive extra funds, this will go towards next year’s target.

South Asia 1 Translation training

Project 8821

Our major Wycliffe Global Alliance partner in South Asia provides the basic linguistic, literacy and translation training for national translators working in its own country. With over 20 translation projects directly under its supervision, and training offered for a further 50 translation projects managed by local churches and other missions, its key role is clear. Added to this, work visas for expatriates are often problematic.
Next Step Development is committed to:
• prayer for the leadership
• scholarships for training local translators
• some course delivery costs
• supporting a small number of translation projects
• 10 Training scholarships for local translators totalling – $13,335
• Translation projects – $22,225 per annum
• Grant to Training Institute serving 70 language projects $44,400

Partner with us

Our partnership target for 2018 is $79,960

If we receive extra funds, this will go towards next year’s target

Primary School Education. South Asia

This project supports a minority language group in a remote rural area of a country in South Asia. This group suffers from a number of oppressive circumstances. They have occupied the land they live on for many years, but ownership has been taken by majority groups. They do not have reasonable access to education opportunities, clean water or health services. They have no voice in the wider community, and have little hope for the future.

Working through a local, established NGO, the initial phase of this project involves establishing and staffing single-classroom primary schools in three villages, where there is currently no education available. The facilities will be very basic by our standards, but will be the first step in enabling these communities to develop some pride in their culture and heritage, and a chance to develop future leaders.

We hope that later stages will include provision of basic health care and education, digging of wells to provide clean water, and solar electricity.

Education, Basic Health Care, Clean Water and Technical Training. South Asia

These communities are traditionally hunter-gatherers, consuming fruits and tubers from the forest. Every day they trek into the forest in search of that day’s food. Once they find sufficient tuber for a meal, they come back to their village, cook and eat. Without a well balanced diet, malnourishment and subsequent medical problems have plagued the groups. There are no nearby medical facilities or doctors to care for their medical needs. Living on the edge of poverty, they face further challenges due to illiteracy, unemployment, malnourishment and attacks from wild animals.

This project will attempt to bring some hope into these communities. It will provide single classroom schools in eight villages, dig two wells for fresh water, set up a tailoring school for women in two locations, and provide a salary for a social worker to teach hygiene and nutrition.

There are two communities that we are trying to help. Each community will cost A$35,000, so the total need is A$70,000.

South Asia 2 (NSD Partner)


Next Step Development is working with a student group in South Asia in a program that involves training young people from remote and isolated Christian communities. Christians are in a minority in this country and suffer from a lack of resources and many forms of discrimination.This is an innovative, multi-faceted program that involves training in Bible translation as well as tertiary education in a range of technical qualifications that will be useful in local communities (community nursing, education etc). It also includes teaching English, which is a bridge to many opportunities and very useful in translation work. At present four communities are represented, but as other communities become aware of the opportunity they are expressing an interest in becoming involved.

Currently our support is through the provision of personnel who act as trainers and translation checkers, including the funds for their travel and accommodation. We also work in conjunction with other external funders to supplement the funds raised by the local group.

We believe that this program represents a new phase and demonstrates what translation work will increasingly look like in the future. The strong focus is on training capable and enthusiastic locals so that they can eventually take over all levels of responsibility, right through to translation consulting.

Partner with us

Funds to this Next Step partner will be part of the overall target for Next Step Development.

South Asia 1 (NSD Partner)


Next Step Development is committed  to partnership with our colleagues in a country in South Asia. Whilst we continue to work together to broaden the base of relationship, our current support involves financially assisting Bible translation students in their training. We are receiving regular reports that these students are enthusiastically embracing their God-given calling and we are excited to be able to support them as they strive to expand their skillset. These are the future leaders of the translation movement in their country.

Partner with us

Funds to this Next Step partner will be part of the overall target for Next Step Development.

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...