Project Video Internship

Do you like travel? Photography? Making movies? Audio recording? Consider using your skills in mission through a joint internship with Wycliffe Australia and Project Video.

What is Project Video? 

Watch this video to find out!

People in oral societies love watching biblical videos in their own language. They can see every miracle Jesus performed, understand every story and witness for themselves how Jesus died and rose again.

There are currently 2.5 billion unreached people in Asia. That’s 70% of the total unreached people on earth. Project Video is working to equip and train local evangelists to make and distribute Christian videos in their languages. This also promotes the use of the translated Scriptures.

How did Project Video begin?

A group of Bible college students hiking through the jungle to take the gospel to remote people groups in Asia stumbled across one bamboo-hut village with 50 witchdoctors. After much prayer, storytelling, singing and spiritual warfare, God began sowing the seeds of a small church. As the congregation could not read and had no pastor, a young man, Tha Hser Minn, brought them audio sermons on CD to sustain the church. But they wanted to see the preacher as well as hear him!

Since a God-ordained encounter between Tha Hser Minn and the founder of Project Video, many outreach films have been produced, as well as gospel movies, recordings of ethnic worship and preaching, and even original Christ-centred movies in their own heart language.

How can I get involved?

Project Video is currently praying for people with a media background and a heart for unreached people to help their ethnic media teams capture the breathtaking testimonies that are emerging. This is a great opportunity for flexible, servant-hearted Christians willing to be immersed in a foreign culture, to gain real missions experience, share their skills, and take the road less travelled. Check out this video

Current openings exist for:

  • Video trainers: make and edit videos
  • Audio trainers: record music, dub movies, develop ethnic worship, and encourage indigenous musicians to use their talents for the Kingdom
  • Team hosts: travel and introduce people to new experiences and cultures
  • Distribution coordinators: use your networking skills and equip mission teams to share the gospel more effectively
  • Office administrators: contribute to providing a stable office environment that enables the team to function
  • Media interns: learn more about photography, videography and video editing

Interested? Send us an email

Visit the Project Video website for more information.

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...