Editorial from the CEO

For many people around the world, the ability to switch between two or more languages is a normal fact of life.


Musings from one who has lost her heritage language

Through my years of involvement with Wycliffe, I have become aware of the many factors that contribute to an individual or a community consciously or subconsciously giving up their heritage language.


Meet Elsi

Elsi, from Kalimantan, Indonesia, speaks six languages. Last year Elsi came to the Wycliffe National Centre at Kangaroo Ground to improve her English.


Serving the forgotten language communities in a time of change

In the world of Bible translation, the linguistic and social landscape looks very different from the situation 64 years ago when the Australian mission community started Wycliffe in Australia as a specialist mission to support Bible translation and training in linguistics.


Why do I work in a ‘dying’ language?

Where I work, the youth don’t speak their heritage language – they’ve ‘shifted’ to using a regional dialect of the national language.


Jesus was multilingual

Jesus of Nazareth functioned in a multilingual environment. He most likely spoke Aramaic, the language of his home and neighbourhood, and appears to have had good command of biblical Hebrew when reading the Scriptures.


Iranian Christian diaspora serves Farsi speakers worldwide

It is in the context of the Ayatollah’s Iranian revolution of 1982, and the subsequent persecution of Christians that the translation of the modern Farsi Bible was birthed. As Christians fled as refugees and added to the multilingual Persian diaspora in the UK, a new opportunity presented itself.


God speaks my language in the 21st Century

In the world of Wycliffe we have used the term ‘language of the heart’ to describe someone’s mother tongue, the language they learnt in their homes and community of birth.


Meeting the multilingual needs of the Mussau

Wycliffe members John & Marjo Brownie working as translation facilitators with SIL International are responding to the multilingual needs of the Mussau people and the church.


Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...