
We love our supporters!

While about to take a New Testament translation across the finish line, Ross and Lyndal Webb reflect on the significant role that supporters have played in their journey.


Who are the experts

VERDICT: BUSTED Is the far-travelled Wycliffe missionary ‘the one’ who will gift the local people with God’s Word in their own language? Who are the real translation experts? Meet Pastor ...


Meet Kalite Tamau, Chair of Vanuatu Bible Translators (VBT)

Meet Kalite Tamau, Chair of Vanuatu Bible Translation: ‘When God’s Word is in your own language, it speaks to you, and can dwell in you. And when it dwells in you, you can see good things in the Word of God.’


Taking the Next Step: Wycliffe Australia’s new initiative

Find out what question drives Wycliffe Australia’s new initiative, Next Step Development, and how this might strengthen the Bible translation movement and encourage our international colleagues.


Update from Kartidaya

Kartidaya, our partner organisation in Indonesia, currently oversees Scripture translations into the heart languages of 44 people groups and has a vision to reach another 125 languages by 2020. With such a huge challenge before them, their Director, Marnix Riupassa, shares about how it should not be just about numbers, and how transformational impact can be created by working with the local churches.


Barton's journey as BTA Business Manager

The request for Wycliffe Australia to invest in mentoring Barton Maino, Business Manager of Bible Translation Association (BTA) of Papua New Guinea, was a direct response to the question of what is that next step for BTA and how can Wycliffe Australia be a partner in that.


Investing in People: The Impact of Training

Find out the experiences of some young people of the T* team who participated in the recent July training workshops in literacy, community health and Bible translation in South Asia. This project is by our South Asia Next Step partner.


Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...