Persevering in prayer


I have a particular calling to lead and teach women, and, before coming to West Asia, God had always provided someone to be my ‘right-hand woman’ – someone who was mature in the faith with whom I could work.

However, here in West Asia I have not had it so easy. Over the past three and a half years I have been running a women’s group that has fluctuated considerably in size. It was greatly discouraging when the meetings were only attended by two or three faithful regulars, but not by the remaining majority.

Though those committed to the group encouraged me greatly, I often wondered if I should continue. But God was always clear that he wanted me to keep going. So I asked him to supply the necessary women to make it happen.

After three years, the Lord brought me a woman who is mature in the faith; a very rare find here in the Christian community. Since her arrival late last year my group has grown in numbers, but, more importantly, women are being healed from wounds and hurts that they have been carrying for years.

The Lord has so graciously been teaching me here in West Asia to learn to rely more on his strength as well as to keep persevering in prayer. I am now convinced that there is still so much I need to learn in the area of prayer, especially with regards to perseverance.

About the Author: Lillian, Language Program Assistant (West Asia).

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Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...