
After completing Bible school in Paris and the SIL linguistics year in Melbourne, Hélène and her husband Andrew became members of Wycliffe in 1994 along with their two daughters, Estelle and Yésica (now married). Their sons Flynn and Joseph were born later, in 1999 and 2002. During their year of study, they felt God’s call to the least reached, remote people groups where the workers are few. Together they served for 22 years in a displaced project for an oral people group with no known believers, making friends, helping the community take pride in their language, locating a small team to start Bible translation, developing a database of local proverbs and a multilingual online dictionary. Throughout the years, the couple were also enthusiastic recruiters for the unfinished task of Bible translation. Andrew completed a 2000km-for-2000-languages walk in 2010 in Queensland, and subsequently wrote a book about it called Walking Home (available from the online store - https://dev.wycliffe.org.au/store/walking-home).

Andrew passed away unexpectedly in France in October 2016, following an elective surgery to remove a non-cancerous mass in the cerebellum, leaving the family in turmoil. Hélène is presently back in Australia, single parenting her two teenage sons, and trusting God to show her the ‘next step’. Her gifts are in networking, team management and logistics. She also helps colleagues and various entities with English/French translations of documents, newsletters and reports. One constant source of joy and thankfulness is that the above mentioned translation project is ongoing, in the capable hands of a younger couple that Andrew and Hélène had been coaching for a number of years.

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04 May 2017

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Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...