Working With Children Check or equivalent
Be aware that for many roles / positions in WBTA a Working with Children Check or equivalent, will be required. Each state uses a different system to provide suitable evaluation and clearance for people to be permitted to work with children. If the role does not require a WWCC or equivalent, you will/could need to provide a police check.
Wycliffe's Statement of Faith.
Wycliffe Bible Translators is evangelical and inter-denominational, accepting and proclaiming the historic truths of the Christian faith including the following:
1. We believe that all Scripture, both Old and New Testaments, is inspired by God, and is therefore the ultimate authority for belief and behaviour.
2. We believe in one God who exists eternally as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
3. We believe that men and women being created in the image of God have intrinsic dignity and worth. People are unable to be in right relationship with God due to original and continual rebellion against him. They need to be made alive spiritually and restored to a relationship with God.
4. We believe that though we deserve eternal punishment and separation from God for our disobedience, God loved us and sent Christ to die in our place to restore our relationship with God.
5. We believe that God makes us right with himself when we put our faith in Christ and what he has done for us through his life, death and resurrection.
6. We believe in the final resurrection of the dead, both believers in Christ and of unbelievers.
7. We believe that believers in Christ will experience eternal life with God and unbelievers will experience eternal punishment separated from him.
8. We believe in the Holy Spirit whose indwelling presence and transforming power assures believers and equips them for holy living and effective service.
9. We believe in the Church, the spiritual union of all believers, commissioned to make disciples of all nations.
Financial Support
When you serve or are involved with Wycliffe Bible Translators, as a member or as a volunteer, there is no remuneration for your service. WBTA does not employ you or otherwise engage you. WBTA has no superannuation obligation for you.
Prayer Support
When you serve or are involved with Wycliffe Bible Translators, as a member or as a volunteer, it is required or recommended that you have covering prayer support during your service.