Some things don’t change: we still need people like Keith and Carol Barber


While new members represent the future, retiring members give us the history on which to build our future. Keith Barber recently retired from Wycliffe after serving for 26 years alongside his wife Carol.
WT1710-p5s1.2They began in Papua New Guinea in 1992. Then in 2000, they continued to serve in the Australian home office until recently, when a heart attack stopped short an anticipated many more years of service for Keith. Carol continues to serve in Human Resources.

Keith’s retirement highlights how some things don’t change in Wycliffe.

We are a volunteer organisation made up of ordinary people responding in faith, growing in God.

Keith says,

It has been in the fertile pastures of Bible translation involvement that I have had the opportunity to grow in God, and experience many of the things for which he is known. These include healing, grace, seeing his higher priorities, feeling his companionship, and receiving visions, to name a few.

Wycliffe will continue to rely on people with faith in Jesus who are also captured by the power of the Scriptures and their relevance for all people.

Keith says,

It is gratifying to know how worthwhile Bible translation is, and I am always so thankful that this is the work to which God, in his infinite wisdom, called the Barbers.

God continues to call.

This story is from Wycliffe Today – October 2017 Edition (PDF)

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Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...