When waiting is the thing

God has been teaching us that our work is less about the programs and the achievements that we accomplish, and more about waiting on him to work.

We can’t make literacy happen and we can’t force people to do anything, but God is definitely at work in the hearts of the Kungka* people. And it’s often in the people we didn’t expect.

There was Sahil, who started literacy programs without us even knowing, and Rahu, who said we inspired the translation team to work harder. We didn’t do anything in these situations but prayed that God would work his will in this village, and then he showed us what was already happening. In that time he also taught us to value our own spiritual growth, deepening empathy and love for the community. God also gave us sickness and hardship to enable us to identify more deeply with the people here.

We are waiting, and continue to expect to see how God is working in the people we love.

*real name withheld for security reasons

This story is from Wycliffe Today – July 2017 Edition (PDF)

About the Author: Toby & MG, Language Development Workers (South Asia)

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...