Meet the supporters

Translation work really is a team effort, and supporters play a significant role. How fitting then that Ross and Lyndal will be joined by their supporters for the Lewo New Testament dedication ceremony in Vanuatu.

Pamela King, Sydney, NSW, Australiawt1704-p5a

My involvement with Ross and Lyndal began in the late 1960s. Ross’s parents, Tom and Gwen Webb were working in translation in Papua New Guinea and Ross, having finished school, lived with my late husband, Brian King, and our young children in Dural and then Wahroonga for around four years. Our sons assumed for many years that Ross was an older brother!

In 1997, my youngest son Matthew and I flew to the village of Zuepak in Papua New Guinea to join in the celebrations of the dedication of the Psalms and New Testament in the Tuma-Irumu language. It was an amazing experience and one which Matthew has talked about so much that when the opportunity came for us to join in another celebration, his 14 year old daughter Charlotte was keen to come as well.

It is a privilege to share in this significant occasion and we give thanks to God that another people group will be able to read the Bible in their own language.

Peter & Yvonne, NSW, Australia


We have been personally supporting Wycliffe for about 45 years, and in the past 9 years have worked with Wycliffe Assist.

Through leading Wycliffe Assist work teams we aim to relieve field workers from other duties that might distract them from translation work: our teams have built, painted, repaired plumbing, made curtains, catalogued libraries, photocopied and enjoyed Christian fellowship, Bible studies and prayer. Joining Wycliffe Assist was very much God’s leading and personally a career change for us after retiring.

It is exciting and a joy to see God’s Word going out, and a joy to see the completion of what has been a very long project. It is also very special for our friend, staff worker Luwi, as this is his own mother tongue and his island of birth. We have worked with Luwi over 9 years and it has always been a joy to work beside him, and it is very special to see Scriptures in his own language.

Go: Keen to use your practical skills to support translation projects? Contact the Gillespies about upcoming work teams

This story is from Wycliffe Today – April 2017 Edition (PDF)

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...