Volunteer with Wycliffe Assist

Wycliffe Australia has been able to ‘punch above its weight’ in its contribution to Bible translation because of volunteers. Even the mud bricks that form the National Centre buildings were made by volunteer young people and the whole centre has been built by volunteers.


Casual volunteering options

Wycliffe Australia’s National Centre at Kangaroo Ground is looking for volunteers to help in a range of roles around the property. Eg;


We need one or two careful and skilled people to mow the expansive lawns on our 26 acre property once a week. We will provide a ride-on, slasher and other mowers.


We need skilled workers to do odd jobs like fixing and replacing fly screens, small carpentry jobs and painting throughout the property.


We need people with administration skills to help facilitate Wycliffe Australia’s work at our National Centre. Currently Administration is one of the most critical needs within the organisation.

Please contact us if you can help.



Please let us know if you can support Wycliffe Australia by connecting us with friends, family and church groups in your area.


One to two year options

Short-term volunteers can make a significant contribution in a variety of roles: administration, centre managing, record-keeping, teaching, and more.
See our Positions Vacant catalogue.


Work teams

Every day, Bible translators the world over find themselves pulled away from their primary responsibility—translating the Word of God—to deal with tasks that, while important, can be accomplished by others. This can include:

  • construction and/or building maintenance
  • administration and bookkeeping
  • airstrip maintenance
  • teaching
  • being house parents for missionary kids
  • vehicle repairs
  • in fact, pretty much anything at all!

Contact us to find out if there are any upcoming Work Teams. These are usually organised on an as-needed basis, when we receive a request from one of our colleagues or partners in the field.

Interested? Send us an email or ring (03) 9712 2777


Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...