
Ready, Set…Thrive! (formerly Getting Ready)

Ready, Set…Thrive! (formerly Getting Ready)

Ready, Set… Thrive! is the final of three Wycliffe member orientation workshops. Wycliffe members take personal responsibility to maintain their spiritual health and relationships on the field. This week of training will follow up on topics introduced in the first workshop, Worldwide Wycliffe which includes personal resiliency and multi-cultural teams. The topics covered in Ready, Set.. Thrive! aim to introduce disciplines that will equip cross cultural mission workers to be proactively engaged in a successful ministry.

Course Topics

  • Communication (active listening skills, understanding the dangers of making assumptions, practicing assertiveness and conflict resolution)
  • Spiritual Vitality (dealing with temptations, spiritual warfare, self-esteem and spiritual temperaments and developing a personal spiritual growth plan)
  • Adaptation (balanced living, transitions, grief, healing heart wounds and the theology of suffering)
  • Living in Community (understanding others and ourselves better through a personality survey, the four basic cultural types and Biblical multi-cultural teams)

Ready, Set…Thrive! is facilitated by field-experienced staff at the Wycliffe National Centre, Kangaroo Ground just outside Melbourne. Sessions are from 9.00 am – 4.30 pm daily.

This is a self-catered event with morning and afternoon tea provided. Accommodation with self-catering facilities are available on site at Child minding service may be arranged if prior notice is given.

Wycliffe Australia National Centre
70 Graham Road
Kangaroo Ground, Victoria (MAP)

5-9 March 2018
26-30 November 2018

Single $75 Couple $100
Accommodation :
Accommodation with self-catering facilities are available on site at

Register above or for questions contact:

Woody Baker
National Training Coordinator
03 9712 2708

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...