To the ends of the earth – coffee table book

A beautiful photographic essay of the work of translation, literacy and relationships with people groups around the world.

Missionaries and Money Booklet

The 11 essays about missionaries and money in this booklet will set you thinking about your attitudes towards this sensitive subject.

Indigenous Ministry in the Top End – Cross Cultural Insights

A great resource for those working or travelling in the Top End. ‘Indigenous Ministry in the Top End – Cross Cultural Insights’, compiled by Rachel Borneman and Chris Garner, is a handy guide to cultural differences. This is an introductory pack of information to meet the needs of people new to cross-cultural work in the Top End of the Northern Territory.

The information in this resource has been compiled from various sources and from information gathered from people who have worked in partnership with Indigenous people around the Top End and with input from Indigenous people. It has been written and compiled as a support for ministry teams, churches, Christian schools and individuals seeking to support kingdom work in partnership with Indigenous people.

Download the PDF version here

Angel Tracks in the Snow

‘Angel Tracks in the Snow’ is a colouring book based on the true story of Gary Shepherd and David Watters. Follow Gary and David through the mountains as they search for a people group with no Bible in their own language. Colour along as you read about the special way God leads them to the Bengei people.

Do Missionaries Change Culture?

You will be challenged by these 11 essays about missionaries and their impact on the cultures of the people they went to serve.

The Coolamon Kids

A children’s activity book published by Bible Society Australia and Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Ngarrindjeri Scriptures and the 60th anniversary of Wycliffe in Australia. Suitable for children aged approximately 9-15 years old. Discover what is involved in translating the Bible into an Indigenous language.

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...