Wycliffe’s Faqs


A video with short comments from mission leaders and workers from around the world about the importance of God’s Word in the heart language of people groups.
Produced by WBT Australia 2003 – 3 minutes

The Nard Pugyao Story (Philippines)
From a shy young man growing up in a village to a JAARS pilot, Nard tells his story, including the joy of flying the very first New Testaments of his own language into his home area.
Produced by WBT Australia 2003 – 9 and 14 minute versions.

A moving montage of people from around the world worshipping – put to the song ‘We Will Dance’ by David Ruis.
Produced by WBT Australia 2003 – 4 minutes


Music video featuring Claire Hazard’s song ‘Fields’ with scenes from India challenging Christians to be involved in overseas missions.
Produced by WBT Australia 2003 – 4 minutes

Wycliffe USB2 memory drive, 8GB

This can be used as a normal USB stick, but we have included some of our promotional videos on it which you can view alone or share with others.

Wycliffe fridge magnet

With all the Wycliffe contact details, now easily accessible on your fridge door.
Free with every order.

Towards Believing: 3-part DVD series

Featuring Des Oatridge – translator for the Binumarien people of PNG. Just how necessary is missionary work among the tiny, ‘forgotten’ tribal peoples in this world of change? How effective can it be? How do these small tribes fit into the Great Commission of our Lord? This DVD comes with a study guide to help you get the most out of the series. Read more about the Binumarien tribe here (NB: opens on another website not affiliated with WBTA)

Produced by Wycliffe Australia 1993

3 parts x 30 minutes each

20 minute preview below.

Towards 2025 – Volume 1 & 2 DVD

This two DVD set Includes:


The Place of Prayer in Vision 2025 – 5 minutes
Engaging the African Church – 8 minutes
Difficulties Become Opportunities – 8 minutes
Refining Times – 6 minutes


Looking to God Alone – 1:10 minutes
With Eyes Fixed – 8:22 minutes
Worth It – 8:20 minutes
Emerging with Strength – 7:11 minutes
Miracle of the Priests – 6:46 minutes

Preview below.

The Battle for Sexual Purity DVD

Invaluable as a resource for pastors, elders, missionaries, Christian leaders and missionary trainees, but appropriate for every Australian. Dr Ken Williams alerts viewers to the seemingly harmless process which leads to sexual sin. He outlines a personal strategy to assist people in their Christian walk.

Produced by WBT Australia 1983.

2 x 28 minute sessions (total 56 minutes)

Preview below.

Send Out Your Word CD

‘Send Out Your Word’ is a CD of six original songs written by Ellie Scott. All proceeds from the sale of CDs further support Bible translation.


Listen to a sample below

God’s Tapestry DVD

Though the Mapuche people of Chile have been marginalised and have suffered oppression, they have preserved their culture, identity and language. God raised up Mapuche people with the enthusiasm and ability to become the weavers for the translation of the New Testament in their heart language, Mapundungen. They were assisted by members of WBT and SIL, along with the cooperation of the Chilean Bible Society.

Produced for SIL South America by WBT Australia 1997 20-minute and 10-minute versions in English and 20-minute version in Spanish on same DVD.

Preview below.

Faiths in Conflict DVD

A look at Christianity from a Muslim perspective. Ken Rudy, a Christian missionary, interviews his Muslim friends Mustafa and Hassina Kahn. The Kahns discuss why living in America for several years has convinced them they would never want to become Christians. Learn more about the faith of Islam and how to effectively reach Muslim friends. This insightful DVD has a delightful twist at the end that is sure to keep you on your toes.

Produced by WBT USA 1993 – 23 minutes
Preview below.

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...