Wycliffe Australia's Current Projects

Bunong Old Testament Translation

Project 8327

The Bunong communities in Cambodia celebrated the completion and release of their New Testament in May 2016. As Christians noticed the big difference that reading the New Testament in Bunong made, they began discussing how they might also have an Old Testament.
When different groups met together they discovered many people were excited about the prospect of having the Old Testament in their own language. In a proposal to their larger church body, they requested help and outlined their commitment of time, energy, food and funds towards an OT translation. The church authorities passed on the request.
The desire by the local church to translate the whole Bible, along with their commitment of resources to help make it possible, excited the Australian team who will once again be contributing both resources and skills to assist the local team.
As a partner, Wycliffe is planning to make an annual contribution of $7,500 towards travel, accommodation and meals to help teams of Bunong translators gather together six times each year.

Partner with us

Our partnership target for 2018 is $7,500

If we receive extra funds, this will go towards next year’s target.

OADF – Mayoyao mother-tongue based education

This project aims to build capacity in national teachers by supporting them to develop teaching principles and reading materials in their local Mayoyao language. These materials will be used to help students from Kindergarten to Grade 3 develop foundational literacy skills in their local language before also acquiring the national languages of Filipino and English.

Sixty teachers will participate in a series of workshops over three years (2017-2019) to create reading materials and other literacy resources in the Mayoyao language. Project funds will be used to provide stationery materials and access to literacy trainers who can offer technical advice as teachers create reading texts. These materials will then be made freely available to other schools, with workshop teachers equipped to train colleagues in using and creating their own texts to enhance student literacy and learning.
Read more about this project

Kon Translation

Project 8321

Kon* is a translation project in a sensitive part of South Asia involving Australian members and mother tongue translators. There are 750,000 speakers with 4% of the Kon population Christian and growing fast.
The translation is a high priority project as the Scriptures are needed to disciple a young church. It also has the potential to expand to oral and/or written adaption into another four dialects.
This ongoing project has an estimated completion date of 2022.

Partner with us

Our partnership target for 2018 is $A28,460

If we receive extra funds, this will go towards next year’s target

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...