
M.A.D. (Ministry, Adventure, Discovery)


  • Live in a remote Aboriginal community
  • Share life and faith with locals around the campfire
  • Minister through testimonies, skits, songs and dramas
  • Learn and perform songs in Aboriginal languages


  • Experience life in the outback first-hand
  • Spend time with Aboriginal people in their traditional hunting grounds


  • See how God is at work in Bible translation, discipleship and other ministries
  • Explore new opportunities to use your gifts
  • Gain an understanding of issues facing Australia’s Indigenous people
  • Take time out to reflect through team devotions and journalling

On the MAD trip, you will have the opportunity to visit two Aboriginal communities where Bible translation is taking place.

Contact us for more information

2023 MAD Trip:

Encounter Culture

Encounter Culture is a practical course that takes you and your friends on a journey in understanding culture and our response to God.Through five weekly sessions and four practical assignments you will:

  1. Learn how our cultural behaviour is driven by our values and beliefs.
  2. Consider what is real beyond the physical realm and how this impacts our lives.
  3. Be equipped to enable others to encounter God from their own worldview.

Contact us for more information, to express interest, or to host this event.

Story the Bible

“…Do not let these memories escape from your mind as long as you live! And be sure to pass them on…” —Deut 4:9 (NLT)

Have you ever wanted to tell a friend or stranger about God, but felt you didn’t know how? Do you wish you felt more inspired in your own Bible use? Are you looking for ways to bring the Bible to life in your family, congregation or life group?

Wycliffe’s Story the Bible workshops will equip you with skills to use Bible stories in mission, ministry and everyday life. Discover how to craft a Bible story that is clear, memorable and gripping while still being accurate to the biblical text. During a three-day workshop, you will learn to facilitate a Bible discussion using a story. Wycliffe Story the Bible workshops will stretch you, equip you, and inspire you to share God’s story with others.

See below a full list of upcoming Story the Bible events in your area OR contact a Wycliffe representative near you:

Phone: 02 8014 6487 (Mondays)

Phone: 03 9712 2712

Phone: 07 3256 1803

Phone: 08 9243 0486

If you would like to host a Story the Bible workshop for your church or ministry, we can help! Contact Story the Bible Coordinator Malcolm Barker for more information.

Wycliffe Story the Bible Workshops from Wycliffe Australia on Vimeo.

Special Events

Short-term trip

Prayer meeting

Member Orientation

Partnership Development course

Attending a Partnership Development Workshop equips participants with knowledge, skills and resources to build a team of financial and prayer partners.  Topics include communication, organisation, biblical basis and speaking skills, all with the goal of enabling you to realise God’s call into mission.

Ready Set Thrive

New members are equipped to take personal responsibility for maintaining their spiritual health and relationships on the field. The four streams are:

  1. Communication – Practicing active listening skills, understanding the dangers of making assumptions, understanding assertiveness and conflict resolution methods in the complex context of working in multi-cultural teams
  2. Spiritual Vitality- resilience, temptations, spiritual warfare, burnout, self-esteem and spiritual temperaments, concluding with a personal spiritual growth plan for participants
  3. Adaptation- look at the forces pressing in on us when we work in another culture; recognising and having strategies to help with balanced living, transitions, grief, healing heart wounds. A study of the theology of suffering
  4. Living in Community- an overview of the three communities of interaction; family, multicultural teams and host culture. A study of personality types to help understand others and ourselves better. Apply the 4 Cultural Types of Cultural Self-Discovery as participants identify their own cultural biases and potential areas of conflict with colleagues from a different culture.

World Wide Wycliffe

This workshop introduces the world of Wycliffe, SIL and Wycliffe Global Alliance while exploring the history of Bible translation, new trends in the range of ministries within the scope of Bible translation as well as beginning to look at working in cross-cultural teams and personal resilience.

Explore Language

Explore Language introduces you to the elements that strengthen cross-cultural missions and gives you the opportunity to assess your ability to communicate in another language and culture.Over the five day course, you will have hands-on experience, learning a new language, looking at its sounds and structures as well as the people’s culture.

Presenters involved in Bible translation, literacy and Scripture Use will share from their experience and give a glimpse into what it means to engage people with the message of Christ in ways they can truly understand.

Connect with Wycliffe

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...