Wycliffe Australia's Current Projects

South Asia 2 Translation and training

Project 8814

Next Step is working with a student group in South Asia in a program that involves training young people from remote and isolated Christian communities for translation and future leadership roles. Christians are a minority in this country and suffer from a lack of resources and many forms of discrimination. Our current support is focussed on providing and paying the costs of personnel who act as trainers and translation checkers for these training programs.

Partner with us

Our partnership target for 2018 is $33,000

If we receive extra funds, this will go towards next year’s target.

South Asia 1 Translation training

Project 8821

Our major Wycliffe Global Alliance partner in South Asia provides the basic linguistic, literacy and translation training for national translators working in its own country. With over 20 translation projects directly under its supervision, and training offered for a further 50 translation projects managed by local churches and other missions, its key role is clear. Added to this, work visas for expatriates are often problematic.
Next Step Development is committed to:
• prayer for the leadership
• scholarships for training local translators
• some course delivery costs
• supporting a small number of translation projects
• 10 Training scholarships for local translators totalling – $13,335
• Translation projects – $22,225 per annum
• Grant to Training Institute serving 70 language projects $44,400

Partner with us

Our partnership target for 2018 is $79,960

If we receive extra funds, this will go towards next year’s target

Lama Old Testament Translation

Project 8315 (Listed as 8513 in Feb 2018 Wycliffe Today)

In this multi-year project, a team of local Lama translators is making steady progress at translating the Old Testament into their language.
In the next 9 months, they will revise and complete Ezra and Nehemiah.
The team will also facilitate a ‘key terms’ workshop with community and church input to find words or expressions for a number of important concepts used in the Old Testament.

Partner with us

Our partnership target for 2018 is $16,700

If we receive extra funds, this will go towards next year’s target.

Bunong Old Testament Translation

Project 8327

The Bunong communities in Cambodia celebrated the completion and release of their New Testament in May 2016. As Christians noticed the big difference that reading the New Testament in Bunong made, they began discussing how they might also have an Old Testament.
When different groups met together they discovered many people were excited about the prospect of having the Old Testament in their own language. In a proposal to their larger church body, they requested help and outlined their commitment of time, energy, food and funds towards an OT translation. The church authorities passed on the request.
The desire by the local church to translate the whole Bible, along with their commitment of resources to help make it possible, excited the Australian team who will once again be contributing both resources and skills to assist the local team.
As a partner, Wycliffe is planning to make an annual contribution of $7,500 towards travel, accommodation and meals to help teams of Bunong translators gather together six times each year.

Partner with us

Our partnership target for 2018 is $7,500

If we receive extra funds, this will go towards next year’s target.

Papuan Malay Scripture Printing

Project 8525
Papuan Malay is the language of wider communication spoken by 2 million people in the Indonesian province of Papua. The Papuan Malay Bible translation team has a goal of distributing 1 million Scripture forms (books, social media hits, Jesus Film views on YouTube, Scripture app downloads, etc.) before completing the New Testament by the year 2028. They currently have quite a range of published products.

But people young and old are always attracted to two main products – the comics and the storybooks! Bright, colourful pictures draw people into the stories of Ruth and Jonah in comic form, and the stories of Zakeus, the Prodigal Son, the Good Samaritan and Jesus Lives Again in storybook form. Stock of all of these most popular books has run out and the team would love to reprint them because they know what an impact they have on people’s lives. Any profit made from the sale of these books will enable more to be printed in the future.

Partner with us

Our partnership target for 2018 is $8,300

If we receive extra funds, this will go towards next year’s target.

Translator Training Vanuatu

Project 8343

SIL Vanuatu runs a course in translation principles and techniques that includes Bible reading and comprehension as well as applying Scripture in practical ways. This training is key to improving the capabilities of local translators as they gain insight from closely examining a text and asking questions to determine the author’s intention.

Funding covers the costs for facility hire, materials, travel, meals, and accommodation for the participants. Two course workshops are scheduled in 2018 at a cost of $10,250 per workshop. Participants arrive for the first workshop on 8 March.

Partner with us

Our partnership target for 2018 is $20,500

If we receive extra funds, this will go towards next year’s target.

Alyawarr Translation and Scripture Recording – Australia

Picture an area about the size of Victoria, to the north and north-east of Alice Springs, and that’s where you’ll hear the Alyawarr language being spoken. About 1800 people speak Alyawarr, pronounced “al YAH wa ra”, but written literacy is much less common.

“Many are not likely to learn to read their own language or to develop a reading habit, no matter how much literacy and Scripture use work we do,” Wycliffe member David Blackman said. He has been working with the Alyawarr since 1991, and, together with the Scripture engagement team, he sees audio recordings as crucial in helping more people connect with the gospel.

An Alyawarr recording of the Gospel of Luke is proving highly effective as a language learning tool and in Bible studies, so now the team want to record 1 & 2 Thessalonians and James, costing $2,330.
The Scriptures will be voiced by Derek Peterson, a local Christian whose good community standing means the production should be well-received.

Translating two more books of the Bible – 1 & 2 Timothy – into Alyawarr is another high priority. As in the early church, issues can arise amongst Alyawarr believers due to lack of understanding or access to Scripture.

“Some church leaders still teach predominantly from the Gospels, so there is little growth in the life of remote churches,” David said. “Some are also unwilling or unable to disciple new believers who are not close relatives, and 1 & 2 Timothy can provide clear guidance on this.”

The team, with assistance from respected Christian and Alyawarr elder Eileen Bonney, are planning to do this. It will cost $1,280.

The Alyawarr team expect these two projects costing $3,610 will make a significant difference in the lives of those who speak the language.

Will you support this project, to help the Alyawarr grow in their understanding of God’s Word?

Partner with us

Our partnership target for 2017 is $3,610

If we receive extra funds, this will go towards next year’s target.

Kon Translation

Project 8321

Kon* is a translation project in a sensitive part of South Asia involving Australian members and mother tongue translators. There are 750,000 speakers with 4% of the Kon population Christian and growing fast.
The translation is a high priority project as the Scriptures are needed to disciple a young church. It also has the potential to expand to oral and/or written adaption into another four dialects.
This ongoing project has an estimated completion date of 2022.

Partner with us

Our partnership target for 2018 is $A28,460

If we receive extra funds, this will go towards next year’s target

Computer Subsidy Fund for Wycliffe Field Teams

Project 8410


In the current age of technology, portable computers are an essential tool for all those involved in the Bible translation effort: translators, literacy workers, consultants, language survey teams, and many of our members who are in teaching or administrative roles. Furthermore, the harsh conditions of many field locations can really take their toll on computers.

We have established this fund to provide a subsidy for any of our field teams needing to replace their computers. This assistance goes a long way towards ensuring that those on the frontline in Bible translation have the tools they need to do their job well.


Partner with us

Our partnership target for 2018 is $9,000

If we receive extra funds, this will go towards the following year’s target.

Basnami Translation – Cameroon

Project 8311

Speakers of the Basnami* language of northern Cameroon may get by with their limited French in school and Fulfude in the marketplace, but Basnami is the language that speaks to their hearts. This ongoing project supports translation and literacy efforts.

Funds for this project will go towards purchasing literacy materials, covering office expenses, and paying part of the salaries of four local translators and one literacy worker, so that more life-giving Scripture will be made available to the Basnami people.


Partner with us

Our partnership target for 2018 is $7,350

If we receive extra funds, this will go towards the following year’s target.

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...