
Wycliffe Australia's Current Projects

Next Step Technology Fund

Project 8405

A number of national translation organisations have a great heart and passion for Bible translation but when it comes to getting the appropriate technology to do the job, they often have to settle or make do with inferior resources. We can change this. This fund supports national organisations in their computing, training and other technological resource needs so they can make the most of new advances and opportunities.


Partner with us

Our partnership target for 2018 is $9,000

If we receive extra funds, this will go towards the following year’s target.

Wycliffe Relief & Development Foundation


The Wycliffe Relief and Development Foundation was recently formed to receive tax-deductible gifts for various types of relief including medical assistance and disaster aid. This relief aid will be directed to needy overseas communities where Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia or its partners work.

Wycliffe is happy to recommend our partner organisation Wycliffe Relief and Development Foundation for those wanting to give a tax-deductible gift.

Visit us at

Overseas Aid and Development Fund

Tax-deductible gifts may be made to the SILA Overseas Aid and Development Fund for approved overseas aid and development programs. The OADF provides funding for language development projects in a range of countries. The projects are approved and registered under the auspices of World Relief Australia (WRA). SILA partners with WRA by acting as its agent for fundraising and the delivery of relief and development projects. SILA is a signatory to the WRA Code of Conduct.

Wycliffe is happy to recommend our partner organisation SIL Australia for those wanting to give a tax-deductible gift.

Computer Subsidy Fund for Wycliffe Field Teams

Project 8410


In the current age of technology, portable computers are an essential tool for all those involved in the Bible translation effort: translators, literacy workers, consultants, language survey teams, and many of our members who are in teaching or administrative roles. Furthermore, the harsh conditions of many field locations can really take their toll on computers.

We have established this fund to provide a subsidy for any of our field teams needing to replace their computers. This assistance goes a long way towards ensuring that those on the frontline in Bible translation have the tools they need to do their job well.


Partner with us

Our partnership target for 2018 is $9,000

If we receive extra funds, this will go towards the following year’s target.

Next Step Development

Next Step Development (NSD) is a new initiative of Wycliffe Australia that focuses more intentionally on an interest that we have always had – supporting and empowering local organisations involved in Bible translation and related activities, in locations where we know those organisations well.

There are some key ingredients that are always part of a Next Step program.

Firstly, we do not rush into Next Step relationships quickly. It takes time to build trust.

Secondly, we are determined to exercise our listening skills much more than our talking skills. Our Next Step friends are better able to identify their needs than we are.

Thirdly, Next Step projects are undergirded in prayer, not as an afterthought or incidental component, but as a fundamental cornerstone.

Fourthly, Next Step is about building local capacity. ‘Sustainability’ may have already become a buzz-word, but it is still our objective. Locals ‘doing’and managing their own destinies, with us helping where our own skills or funds can lead to a better outcome, is our objective.

The scope of Next Step is therefore quite wide. We can assist with things like training, equipment, personnel; whatever the roadblocks are to success.

We anticipate that there will initially be no more than a dozen of these key relationships so that the appropriate level of engagement can be maintained.

We already have Next Step friends in Papua New Guinea (Bible Translation Association, BTA), two organisations in South Asia, Indonesia (Kartidaya), and are in discussions with several more.

This is an exciting phase of the development of Wycliffe Australia. Please join us in prayer and with financial support if you are able!

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Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...